Monday, July 19, 2010


Ok, so my fitness journey is progressing smoothly. I'll fill you in on the details.


Diva Downsize began as a short-term, quick fix diet to get me into a size 6 BCBG Maxazria bridesmaid dress by August 8, 2010.

My intial goal: Lose 10 lbs and/or get into the dress (whichever came first)

Last week (week 2), I accomplished my initial goal. I fit into the dress (with some serious back cleavage btw). It was at that moment that I realized that I was actually enjoying this new lifestyle.

Eating "clean" and working out is benefitting me in me so many areas of my life ... my skin is much better - no breakouts since I started eating healthy, my energy level is WAY up, my confidence and self-esteem is up, I can fit into my clothes again and I just feel so much more productive and less LAZY.

So .... I've created some NEW goals.

Goal 1: Lose @ least another 5 lbs by August 8, 2010
Goal 2: Reach my target weight of 125 lbs by September 2010.
Goal 3: Be in fitness model competition by September 2011.

Here's some details about MY PLAN and MY PROGRESS:

Starting Weight (July 5, 2010): 145 lbs.
Current Weight (July 19, 2010): 140 lbs.
Goal Weight (August 8, 2010): 135 lbs.

Week 1: I tried to eat healthier but I wasnt too strict with my food choices. I still had ice capps fruit and carbs but I completely cut out fast food. I didn't exercise at all.

Week 1 Results: None

Week 2: I only allowed myself lean protein (chicken breast, egg whites) and veggies (salad). No fruits or carbs. I cheated a couple times but no major binges. I did circuit training on Tuesday and Friday (details to follow).

Week 2 Results: 5 lb weight loss.

Week 3: I'm currently trying to stick to egg whites for breakfast, tuna and salad for lunch and chicken and veggies for dinner. I have a handful of almonds or protein shakes as my snacks. I've added more physical activity -- I am now doing circuit training three times a week and a women's fitness class (bootcamp style) and muay thai four times a week.

Week 3 Results: TBA

To be Continued....

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