Thursday, July 29, 2010

Diva Downsize Update

Ok, I finally have a second to update you on my progress. this post will be very informal so please ignore all run-on sentences, poor grammar, spelling, lack of capitilization, etc.

newayz, let the update begin ---so i been taking a women's fitness class and some muay thai classes at a martial arts studio. i love it there. i feel tres motivated when i'm there BUT this past weekend i slipped off my diet wagon and ate soooo much food. i felt like i gained the 5 lbs back and the scale told me i did but as of today's weigh in i am steady at 140 lbs which means one slip up caused me 2 lbs. DAMN good tasting, sweet, savoury, heavenly divine food, I HATE YOU.

since my slip up i feel heavier and lazier but i think its probably more a result of my drama queen tendencies then anything else. since my slip up i feel like i cant stop eating and it feels as if i'm starting all over again. IT SUCKS!!!!!! But i have ten days left. TODAY was my LAST cheat day for the next ten days so let the HARD WORK and DISCIPLINE begin.

last week, i also did a MINI-DETOX- colon hydrotherapy treatments. it began as a lovely experience but by the end i felt as if i had just taken $200 and flushed it down the toilet. for those of you who dont know what a colon cleanse is - it's when you basically flush or wash out your colon and intestines to get rid of toxins and built up waste. check out for more info.

the process was not as uncomfortable as i thought it would be. they simply put this metal device which resembled a vibrator in your anus and then connected it to a hose which pushed warm water into your colon and then you release the water and whatever waste is inside back out. after the first cleanse, i felt lighter and less bloated. the second cleanse felt pointless because there was no real waste that came out and the third cleanse was still not as good as the first but not as bad as the second. would i do it again, probably not? i think it would have been just as effective if i had done a real west indian WASH OUT- which is basically a super strong laxative.

i did try a wash out on sunday after i binged but it didnt work - i boiled senna leaves and epsom salts but it didnt work at alll!!!!!! my colon and intestines are invincible - i need something STRONGER!!!!


Workout Schedule:
Sunday to Saturday - 10 am workout with my trainer friend
Monday to Saturday - 6 pm - women's fitness class

Diet Plan:
Breakfast - egg whites
Snack - cucumber/carrots
Lunch - chicken breast or tuna and broccoli or asparagus
Snack - almonds
Dinner - chicken breast or tuna and broccoli or asparagus

I'll update you on how this goes - pics are on their way!

COMMENT and let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Tiff! I hope things work out for you! The best way I found was to not go to any centers etc... but do my own thing like pushups, situps, walks [hour long], few weights, at my own pace but different ppl are different. I am sure you have tried various things and will get to your goal soon.
