Saturday, July 17, 2010

Operation Diva Downsize

So its been almost a month since my last post and a lot has happened since then. I've been doing some reflecting on my goals, dreams and heart's desires and I'm feeling good about the changes I'm making.

One of the biggest changes I've made is in the area of health and well-being. I'm really working towards becoming healthy both inside and out. I've quit smoking (almost 3 months), cut down on eating out, I'm about to do a mini-detox with colon hydrotherapy and I'm starting to work out. I'm pumped and I'm hoping that the act of sharing my goals, journey and accomplishments with my readers will help keep me motivated.

Please follow my blog as I move towards accomplishing my goals and feel free to start your own "health and well-being journey". I will be posting my short-term and long-term goals, workout schedule, diet plan, tips, before and after shots, product/service reviews, etc.

Remember this blog is all about critical consciousness and a healthy mind begins with a healthy body.

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tiff - Welcome to the world of blogging! I find blogging to be cathartic. Anyway, I'll help keep you accountable in your goal to being healthy. I, too, am trying to do the same and it helps when you have someone else to work with. Good for you on quitting smoking! That's awesome! Between you and me, I'm finding it truly difficult (we can talk more about it at school)...!
