Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Perfect Life - The Facebook Fallacy

Sometimes life can be so overwhelming and I long for simple solitude, relaxing reflection and mindful meditation. But solitude, reflection and meditation can be difficult to achieve when the beep, ring, vibration, hum or buzz of modern technology disturbs and comforts simultaneously. There is something strange about our addiction to social media. Social media has its benefits but am I the only one that finds bbm pings and messages, twitter tweets, facebook status updates and blog posts overwhelming at times? It’s overwhelming yet I can’t seem to get enough of it. Sometimes I just want to shut off my blackberry and lock away my laptop but I just can’t bring myself to do it. My gosh, I can’t imagine what I might miss!

I’m going to be super honest right now because I know there must be somebody who feels the same way that I do. Now as much as I love my life, sometimes I feel a little disheartened after spending time on facebook or blogs. It seems as if social media has become a platform for which people present their fantastic lives and experiences to the rest of their social network. After spending time browsing through pictures of wonderful nights out with beautiful people, trips to exotic places and luxurious purchases, I can’t help but think that my life might be a little boring, commonplace and drab. Although I should know better, I get caught up in the moment and buy into everybody’s hype. I know that most people are not going to air their dirty laundry through social media and as a result, we only get the good, the great and the fabulous updates about their lives. And I know a lot of what people put out there is bragging and oversharing? But, regardless of whether it is bragging or not, I must admit that I get pulled in and I start to wonder if I’m missing out on what it means to live life to the fullest. I know I am blessed and I love my life but it definitely makes me think about what I’m doing or not doing and what I have or don’t have.

So the question of the day is ... does social media teach us lessons in admiration or envy? Is it worthwhile in that it teaches us to enjoy and share in the success of others or is it problematic in that it can leave us feeling a bit unsatisfied with our own lives? What do you think?

“Blessed is he who has learned to admire but not envy, to follow but not imitate, to praise but not flatter, and to lead but not manipulate.” - William A. Ward


  1. First of all, may I say your blog always look fab with photos and such...mine isn't so pretty!

    So, just as I was about to sit down and write a post on my own blog, I was distracted by your recent appearance back on your blog and feel compeled to respond! This is a good thing. :)

    Facebook is a funny place. I am so thankful it was not around during my adolescence! It's hard enough going through the emotional rollercoaster it can send you on in your 30s! Facebook *is* a fallacy and it is for this reason I am in the process of breaking down my own profile, bit by bit. It started with the New Year's Day "friend" purge. Really? Am I "friends" with all of these people? I deleted 75 people from my page who are not actually my friends but have felt some obligation to keep around. You know, so you don't become the "person who unfriended so-and-so". I want to live a more authentic life and have been seriously thinking about fakeness of Fakebook...oops, I mean, Facebook. I am not very good at being fake. Don't get me wrong. I can be and have been but I hate it, am not good at it, and would rather be called a bitch than a liar.

    I think Facebook (and other social media sites -- I was feeling bad for Facebook. Kinda like how everyone was hating on the fast food but only ever picked McDonald's) is a nice place to connect and share but the lack of authenticity is starting the wear on me. Hey, I'm not about to start talking about dark private and personal issues on FB either and I'm not suggesting other people do so (see a therapist, people), but if I see one more Photoshopped picture, I'm going to scream! Now, let me stop here to mention that I have many altered photos but they are *obviously* altered (my skin is purple, for instance) and not meant to fool people into thinking I have perfect skin, or no blemishes. I wear make-up the same way: I wear bright, bold, obvious make-up.

    Facebook is definitely a place that can bring you down if you are already feeling blue...but if you actually care about the people on your profile, I think you would be less bummed out. I say "you" but I mean "us" and "we". Think about it: If a good friend of yours is having a happy time in their life -- amazing trip, successful job, impending nuptials -- then you'd be happy for them but being bombarded by SELECT images and SELECT stories by random people of all the things you want in life, yes, that can be depressing.

    All in all, I think we have control over how personal (or public, for that matter) our lives are to people. And that is comforting.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think I might post my response as an entry on my blog!

  4. Roopa,

    You got some great one liners lady, I particularly like "I would rather be called a bitch than a liar", so true!I've posted the rest of my response to your comment on your blog -
